We hope to see you soon!

Service time: Sunday 11:00am

Phone: (540) 772-9482
Email: Churchoffice@pfwc.net

Our Location

CSHS Parking Release of Liability Form

It is important that we have one of these filled out if you are going to park at PFWC during the school year. This will help us to contact you should there be an incident. It is also required by our insurance. If you fail to fill this out then you will not be able to park here.  There is a $5.00 fee to park here and we will send you a small sticker that you must place in your back window where we will be able to see it.    Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 540-772-9482. 

 If your parking privileges have been removed over at Cave Spring High School, you may NOT park here.   Failure to fill out the parking release may result in your vehicle being towed.
Click the link below to fill out the form.
If you would like to use our facilities, click on the link below for all of the details and the suggested donation amounts.  
Relentlessly Pursuing God + The People He Loves
Sunday Service at 11:00am
3735 Chaparral Dr, Roanoke, VA 24018
Reach out to us!